Saturday, 31 March 2018

I read the news today: Oh boy.... CLICK-BAIT


You think you are clever
You think you are wise
But you are just click-bait
Stuffed full of lies

If I click on your page
You link and you link
To pages so shallow
Twenty-first Century stink

Your headline is great
Your subheading intriguing
But, from then on
You're just not worth reading

Your image is swell
Your font is just right
But the words that you spill

You're an empty book
With pages so blank
No chapters, no index
Just damp, dark and dank


CLICK-BAIT 2 (lyrics)

If you run to the lights
If you run to the noise
If you run to the power

You run the wrong way
You run the wrong way

If you listen to shouting
Look at the pouting
The bling and the Ritz

You run the wrong way
You run the wrong way

If you hear all the lies
If you believe all the lies
If you're a gullible fool

You run the wrong way
You run the wrong way

If you run from the lights
Run away from the noise
Run away from the power

You run the right way
You run the right way

If you listen to quiet
If you say as you like it
If you are as you are

You run the right way
You run the right way

If you don't believe lies
If you look with your eyes

If you're a sensible soul

You run the right way
You run the right way

You run the right way
You run the right way

Don't run the wrong way



  1. Great & now I want to link this poem to every one of those ridiculous click bait blogs.
